Monday, January 12, 2015

Catholic Singles Mixer

On top what the venue looks like with lights on and how it looked like when we were there.

This weekend I had a new experience- I went to a Catholic singles mixer hosted by Click.  I always wanted to try speed-dating and I think this experience counts as such and I can now cross that item from my bucket list.  While I wasn’t feeling the most social on Saturday nor did I have much of a desire to mingle- the experience was not something I would do again.  I am a bit socially awkward in crowds.  I am horrible at small talk and the whole activity drains me.  Luckily, I went with a friend and she did most of the talking for us.  Men did approach us and my friend did a great job talking to them – I admired her ability to keep the dialogue going.  I was too distracted and would only speak when I was asked a question… I know am such a klutz. 

The event was held at Acabar, a Moraccan lounge.  From the moment I went inside I felt like I was inside a nightclub- the music was really loud and the lighting was awfully dark.  When talking to other people I couldn’t really hear what they were saying and there was so much stimuli that I couldn’t focus on the person in front of me.  To have successful interactions with people of the opposite sex I need a quiet environment and usually prefer one-on-one.  When I am in a bigger, mixed group I tend to be quiet and prefer to listen.   The men to women ratio didn’t help the cause either- I think there was a crowd about fifty people and ten of them were male the rest female.  And the men in attendance were old enough to be my dad! 

We made the best of it anyway, my friend and I got drinks and mingled a bit on our own.  We talked to a few of the men in attendance then made our way to a table and sat waiting for the host to have some plan of action for the night.  Yet, there was no direction, no ice breakers or assistance in helping the scattered crowd interact with one-another.  I did meet a couple girls who were friendly and equally disappointed by the experience and by the end of the night we were friends.  I also got to spend time with my friend, we were able to have a good talk and she advised me on matters of the heart. 
I won two tickets to go again- Oh how God has a sense of humor.

In writing I feel free to express all the things of my inner being.  I think if you read this blog you probably know more about me than many of the people in my life.  I tend to live in my head a lot and enjoy solitude in the company of my dog.  In matters of my heart am really private- I don’t seek advice nor tell people the status of my heart with ease.  Only my really close friends get glimpses of what’s happening inside.  My mom and my sis are usually the two that I run to when I can no longer deal with issues of the heart on my own.  Yet, on Saturday perhaps because the event we attended was thematically appropriate I shared with my friend my secret and was able to get some godly advice from her.  Thus, the night was not a total waste of time- I met new friends and was able to open my heart to my sister-in-Christ (smile).

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