Friday, December 1, 2017

Advent Activity: What's in a Name?

How did you receive your name?  Did your parents ever tell you the story behind how they chose your name?  Mine is pretty funny because I was almost named after a cow.  In Mexico, we had a farm (with animals of course) and when I was in my mother’s womb she and dad went over the routine process of throwing out names hoping to agree on one to name the babe.  Dad loved the name “Azusena” and put a great fight to have me named thus, but mom wouldn’t hear of naming me after the cow.  My dad loved the named so much that thinking he would no longer bear children (I came seven years after my brother) he baptized the cow.  Then, I came along and though he put a great fight, mom wouldn’t hear of me bearing the same name as the family cow (smile).   Therefore, they decided on Penny a name they both liked. 
As I have studied scripture, I’ve noticed that God gives great meaning to names- many times he even changes peoples’ names to better suit who they are meant to be.  Names are important, so much so that the best compliment you can give another is to learn his name.  During retreat, when I was served my meals one of the sisters would always say my name when she set my plate down and this little gesture made me feel special- like I mattered.  I wasn’t just some random woman on retreat, I was Penny and she called me by name…  
Lion of Judah

For those of us familiar with scripture we know that God has many names, each title has great significance.  One of my favorite prayers is just repeating the name of Jesus.  Sometimes, when I’ve had a bad dream or when I lack words I just repeat his name – it’s a very powerful prayer… 
 Prince of Princes
Son of David

But why am I writing about names this morning?  Advent is almost here, a time of preparation for the birth of Jesus in our hearts.  For Catholics this is a time of many great traditions like the manger scene, the Advent wreathe and calendar, the tree of Jesse among many others.  Every year I like to try a new way to experience the joy of the birth of my savior.  I have become an avid religious ornament collector and in my collecting I came across “The Royal Names of Jesus” ornament series.  The set comes in a little box with an instruction booklet and seven ornaments each bearing a different title for Jesus.  During Advent for seven days as you count down to Christmas you can hang on your tree a different ornament with your family, and read why that name is special to our heavenly King.  Though, Jesus was born in a manger and during his life he had no jeweled crown, royal wardrobe or palace he walked the earth with authority because he is the King and we are his royal subjects; thus, learning his royal names is our duty and our privilege.  This Advent is a great time to learn the seven royal names and the story (meaning) behind and what better way than with these beautiful ornaments which can be purchased online.  Though I found mine in one of my thrifting adventures (smile).  They are quite beautiful made of metal covered in glitter (my fav) so they are sturdy for children and made to last.  Am so looking forward to getting started with my set!
 King of Israel
Lord of Lords

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