Thursday, August 25, 2016

Relationships: The Case of Inexperience

My New look LOL.

A professor I once had said that writers usually have one story and they continue retelling it in all their works, I kind of feel like that- a bit repetitive.  Yet, to your good fortune I was having a great conversation with a friend the other night and it inspired some thoughts that I would like to explore.  This friend finds herself in a situation that I think we all have been in, a place of inexperience.  I’ve often spent many hours wasted thinking and feeling shame that I am in my thirties and have little experience with the opposite sex.  I’ve often wondered how an interested male would react to my lack of knowledge on the subject.  It often feels like a weakness like an area that I must protect myself, but if I am busy protecting myself opportunities for experience are lost and there lies the paradox.  I mean I know myself, when I like someone it’s difficult for me to speak to them, my IQ drops and my brain forgets how to use words, I even develop an accent.  It’s terribly uncomfortable, and painful to think that saying the wrong thing might cause this said person to recoil which is the last thing I want. These thoughts make me keep to myself… Yet, my friend has the other problem the guy that she is talking to is exhibiting signs that he might have little experience with females! I just put an exclamation mark on the previous sentence because guys have the same woes that we women have! EUREKA! Sometimes it’s too easy to think, “oh, poor little me I have no experience…”  All of us that are single and introverts know this- we are great at self-reflection and introspection---- BUT sometimes we can forget the humanity of the other person or just the other person completely because we are so worried about ourselves.   Yet, in talking to my friend I realized that the object of our affections has issues too, and sometimes those issues can also be inexperience and like you he tries to hide what he perceives as “weakness.” 
My friend looked at me and asked, “What should I do?  What should I do when he won’t talk about where we stand? When he’s not leading?” And the list went on…

Since I know both parties involved, I can objectively say that he doesn’t have a lot of experience and he being a male in his thirties has developed a type of insecurity in association with this lack of knowledge- just like me! Goodness empathy is great!  Girls, there are guys that have grown up and don’t have a lot of experience in this whole dating/courting whatever you prefer to call it subject.  Yet, I tell you- not having any or enough experience on this subject is ok- usually in relationships two people gain experience together one cannot learn this on his/her own. So, if you come across a fellow who takes his time, who moves slower than a tortoise be prayerfully patient and help him out.  I have friends who have really high expectations of how they should be approached.  One was telling me that a man sent her an emoji on a dating website and because there were no words she felt it didn’t count as he being interested in her so she did not respond hoping that he would understand that he needed to send words not just a cute happy face.  I had another who said he misspelled words so that wrote him off.  As, I thought of these small rejections I thought we are supposed to be Christians, people who are kind and give the benefit of the doubt. 

As my friend looked at me eager to get some help, I said, “be a friend.  This is an opportunity that God is giving you to be a good sister in Christ to this guy.  If he needs a little direction at first help him out and have some patience.”  As I dropped her off and went home I continued thinking about this.  One, God helped me see that men are human and some might not have the moves to put on you because they don’t know the moves.  Two, friendship is essential and even further we are called to be Christian at all times.  This also, means that if I want to find someone who is compassionate with my inexperience and limitations I too have to be compassionate with his.  Yet, sometimes in terms of the opposite sex we look at others with such high hopes of them being the possible “one” that we treat them differently than we would any other Christian upon first encounter.  Or we come to expect a perfect, prince in shining armor – however, none of us will reach perfection this side of heaven (except for the saints). The romantic expectations and valuable tips learned from dating books though helpful must never be placed before treating others as Christ would.  I love this tid-bit I read on Maya Angelou and how after hearing many people approach her at a book signing and letting her know that they were also Christians.  She later reflected and thought, “no one ever is a Christian we are all in a journey to become a Christian.”  This resonates in me (though I read it many years ago) because I really believe that we are here trying to grow in holiness and we must never live like we have arrived at sanctity nor expect perfection in others.  To reach sanctity we need each other.  It all comes down to the golden rule, we must always treat others (in any circumstance, especially in the courting arena) with love and kindness.     

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