Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Parish Rummage Sale

Every year in the month of June my parish holds a two day rummage sale.  I usually participate by buying lots of stuff especially Catholic books.  The first year I attended I found a brand new pair of Jessica Simpson pumps for a mere dollar and since then I have been hooked… This year I decided that I would contribute in a different way (in addition to shopping, of course)!  I decided that I would donate a lot of my books and other things that I no longer need.  I have to confess that in addition to the close relationship that I have to my shoes - books are my other weakness.  I love paperbacks – but swoon over hardbacks.  I have a thick emotional connection to the printed word.  After I read books especially the ones that I really enjoy I have a really hard time letting them go. Yet, I rarely reread books because there’s always so many that I have yet to read (smile).  I want books to have active lives not to waste away in dusty book shelves- especially the ones that are dear to me.  Thus, I decided that donating them to my parish would not only help parish sales, but also make some people happy.  As I continue to de-clutter my life I found quite a sense of excitement donating my things to the church (smile).

About ninety-nine percent of the books I read are books I buy at yard sales, used book stores & Amazon.  I even have a sizeable children’s collection for when I babysit my friend’s children (which really never happens) - but, as I look at the picture books and their stories I can’t help making sentimental excuses to hold on to them.  Finding causes I am passionate about makes me more open to parting from my things.   During Christmas last year, Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa had their annual holiday play and the entrance fee was a donation of a new children’s book – this motivated me to donate quite a few from my children’s collection.  I still have over forty children’s books in my shelves that every time I try to part the colorful stories and beautiful artwork makes me place them back on the shelve. 

On Saturday I headed over to my parish ready to shop, but I got there too late and most of the religion section was gone- so I only bought three books, but one is an audio book!  I found a few accessories too, an awesome nativity pin, some vintage earrings and a couple country inspired pieces for when I go to THE RANCH.  I also bought two brand new three-D puzzles for my nephew which kept us busy all morning putting them together. I am actually glad that I didn’t find a stack too big of books because I want to finish reading the books I currently own before adding more to the pile.  I am currently reading the seven books in The Chronicles of Narnia series, over the weekend I manage to read the first three books once I complete all seven I will share my thoughts.
My purchases

“For it must be true, as an old writer says, that he who has God and everything else has no more than he who has God only.” C.S. Lewis

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