Thursday, January 17, 2019

Trusting God in the Unfamiliar

I packed my desk yesterday, put the last ten years at my current job in a box.  At the end of the month my time with my company comes to a close and am ready – ready for the adventure ahead.  I always refer to a quote by Anais Nin that a friend once gave me in a card at times like these:

“And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom”

Life gives us many moments where we must decide to let go and jump into the unknown – even as a believer who knows that though I am jumping into unrevealed paths, God is with me, it’s still difficult to let go of the familiar.  I can be a control freak sometimes and have trouble going outside of my routine.  This job is the first job that I was able to keep for this long after my bipolar diagnoses, before that I went through jobs like I do my unmentionables. Of course, now I am stable and have learned to work with my disability and have developed healthy coping mechanisms to deal with new stressors – my faith really being the foundation that keeps me healthy.   
I have an image of Jesus grabbing hold of Peter so that he won’t sink in the ocean always nearby it helps me to know that God does the same with me.  He will keep me from sinking.  It comforts me to know that even though Peter asked Jesus if he could travel never traveled paths and even though he doubted and began to sink- Jesus is always there nearby ready to pull Peter out. I, too, only need to call on Him and He will come to my rescue.

Thus, even if it’s more comfortable to stay put, to wish for things to never change God keeps challenging us to grow to leave our comfort zones because in our weaknesses He is strong.  I would be lying if I didn’t admit that this new beginning is not without its uncomfortableness – but I am also really looking forward to what lies ahead, because wherever life takes me Jesus accompanies me and is ready in case I need to be rescued (smile). 

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