Thursday, January 14, 2016

Lies Women Believe II: Our value according to the world

Our value according to the world depends on:
At the beach in a bathing suit for the first time in my life!

Our physical beauty, weight and youth: All the fashion magazines target women with headlines that cover these three areas.  How to look more beautiful, younger, and thinner.  They sale lies and women buy into these deceptions.  I was an avid fashion magazine, tabloid reading girl and I got sucked right in to the fad diets that in five days I could have a new body if I just followed the latest diet- no exercise or eating healthy required.  When I followed the steps and failed to lose weight I felt miserable – the reality is that losing weight is hard work and no fad diet is going to be a permanent solution.  If we want to be fit, we need to eat properly and exercise- that’s the truth… Magazines use the same false headlines to offer ways to look younger and more beautiful.  Buy this product and your wrinkles will disappear or wear these trends and you will capture the attention of any man.  We see these ads everywhere selling these ideals by making women feel that their worth depends on having smaller bodies & keeping their youthful looks while enhancing their beauty.   
 In my favorite place with my favorite dog!
 Teaching RCIA.
Supporting Mexico in world cup- curly hair and all.
Traveling in shorts!

Our intelligence and success:  Again the media tells us that we must be brilliant and pursue careers over family.  They attack the traditional family and demean housewives to antiquated, repressed women.  Prior to returning to my faith- I too looked down upon women who chose to be housewives over university or a career outside of the home.  They represented weakness to me and I pursued my education and career with the desire to be strong and independent.  My worth depended on how far I got in my goals and achievements. 
This is my uniform- comfy leggings and a roomy top.
 My uniform again.
 At my friends wedding - wearing a thrifted dress.
With Father after a great confession and spiritual direction session!

Now don’t get me wrong I am not saying that we shouldn’t work hard to achieve things that give us joy and purpose, what I am saying is that our value is not dependent on the list of qualities we possess.  At the senior home I volunteer at, I see women abandoned and forgotten by society and more sadly by their families.  If we believe what the media tells us that our worth depends on these variables then our destiny is to end imprisoned and forgotten in nursing homes once we can no longer (due to old age) produce these results.  My only living grandma turned ninety last year and she is still as much a presence in our lives as she ever has been.  We seek her wisdom and value the experience life has given her.  And though she requires care because she’s elderly and almost blind her value is priceless.  What makes her priceless is not even the wisdom she’s picked up over her lifetime- her value (like our own value) depends on one thing only: GOD.  He created us and gave us the utmost value!  He told us straight out, “I made you in my image and I chose you as my family.” Father was speaking this weekend about how each of us has a stamp that reflects that we are copyrighted by God, He loves us so much that He even stamped us with His signature “made by and belongs to God.”  Even after we sinned and broke that bond, God wouldn’t leave us to our own demise, He sent His son to earth to bear our sin. He put a price tag on us- He declared our value to be greater than the whole world.  There was no clause: only bring the beautiful, young, slim, intelligent, successful women leave the rest behind.  He came for all of us.  We were chosen by God- that’s what makes us precious; that’s what determines our value.  When we realize and accept this HUGE truth, we can love ourselves in light of knowing our flaws because the truth is that we are special not by our own merit but because God chose us.  This truth frees us to love our imperfect selves and to value others with the same degree that God does.  In my last post I wrote that I am at my heaviest, but I am content and happy- I can even dare say I like myself.  The reason is God, He loves me now as I am and He will never love me any more or less than He does right now.  Wow!  Slowly as I have spent time getting to know God- He has freed me from years of erroneous thinking and I want to emphasize that if you are low in your self-esteem go to God. Get to know Him and love your neighbor these two things will free you to love yourself. To look in the mirror and say with great confidence, “I am special because God chose me.”
With my abuelita this Christmas.

I am sharing elven photos as I did last time- only this time I can say that I liked these photos when they were taken as I do now.  They are full body pictures at my current size and believe it or not I like all of me in these images (smile). 
The nerd and her BFF.

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