Annual RCIA Via Crucis at the beach
One of my
favorite activities during our RCIA year is the Via Crucis at the beach that we
do annually. Every year I am one of the
leaders that goes to the beach ahead to setup the fourteen stations. Each station is identified with a solar stake
and a small decorated cross decorated ahead of time by our students. As we set-up we always get onlookers who come
over and ask questions- usually they think we are doing something to commemorate
a loved one who has died. Surprisingly, when
we explain that it’s part of our Easter traditions they open up about their
spiritual journey. On Saturday we had a
group of young adults show interest in what we were doing, when we told them it
was a prayer activity they were like, "I used to go to church…" Others stop and
take pictures of the stations. Some
children even sat around one of the stations and admired it for quite a while. Usually we plan the activity to start at 7PM
so that the beach will be mostly deserted and will provide us the privacy to
pray. Our prayerful journey usually takes
two hours and we find it to be one of the highlights of our program. Students are encouraged to bring their
families and godparents so usually our group is large. When we conclude the Way of the Cross we
always get great testimonies from those involved- there’s just something so powerful
in praying out in nature (smile).

Saturday: “Arrival”
Movie Review
As a way to
unwind, on Saturday night I decided to watch the new movie release “Arrival.” While I thought the movie was about aliens and
expecting the usual scary plot that follows such type of films, I was in for a
surprise. The film is about aliens, but
this time aliens who want to communicate with humanity. Thus, the film’s themes surround communication
and the importance of receiving a clear, accurate message. There’s a lot of science and linguistics nerd
moments that I loved, but it also made me think about how much we need one
another and a higher power. It’s was a
really great film, I think you would enjoy it.
Palm Sunday Service
I love Palm
Sunday, it’s one of my favorite services.
There’s something about beginning outside and looking at the crowd all
united carrying green palm leaves. The
environment is so cheerful, there’s just an air of specialness because the
beginning of the service is so out of the ordinary. The readings are also absolutely beautiful, they
begin to turn the mood towards seriousness and eventually betrayal. I love that we get to vocally participate in
the readings even if it is to admonish Jesus, because it makes me feel like we
are taking responsibility for our actions.
I get so involved in the Eucharistic celebration that it always seems
like its only seconds long. What a great
way to begin Holy Week!