Thursday, July 28, 2016

Thrifty Thursday: Elizabeth and James Huaraches

This week has been full of those annoyances that without the proper attitude can drive one crazy… On Monday the AC in our building at work went out and it was hotter in the office than the 90 degree weather outside.  Of course we have been working on a time sensitive project and while many departments sent their workers home, we had to work in sweat shop conditions.  Also, that same day the water on our floor stopped working – meaning no bathroom access.  In addition, we were also told to work extra hours and not given the choice to do so, so that sent some of the people on my team in angry spats.  Then this morning our coffee machines died!!!  Yes, we have six different barrels of coffee that get us through our day and this morning none work!  Yet, our building management sent an Italian Ice truck for us in apology for the inconvenience the broken AC caused and I had to treat myself to frape this morning (smile).  Sometimes things out of our control have a way of accumulating to happen all at once and if we focus on the nuisances our attitude can seriously be affected.  Last night I was exhausted and I just couldn’t bring myself to take pictures so please forgive my grainy shots.  I love photography and I want to take better quality shots for my blog (that’s my new goal), but usually I take all the pics myself so be patient with me while I 
learn how to get better focus photographs.
Fringe & huaraches what fun!
Vintage Sum Spec necklaces.
Can't stop looking at my feet LOL.
My fun vintage cat clutch.

This morning while I shot the pictures I was getting upset because they look super grainy and I started having a short self-pity party thinking how this week just sucked.  Though it was more challenging than normal... C’est la vie...  We just have to make lemonade with our lemons, right (smile).  I just have to look down at my shoes because they are super cute and another great score.  So, a few years back the twins from “Full House” started a high fashion line, Elizabeth and James, and it included a small shoe line.  My Edge Huarache Sandals were part of that line and sold for $295.  On a sunny day at Goodwill, I couldn’t believe my eyes the cute sandals were calling my name, “only $5.99,” they said.  Of course I brought them home.  You could say that I adopted a pair of lost soles and gave them new life.  These puppies have been on rotation this summer, I’ve worn them an awful lot and I fall in love with them more and more.  They are just super well made, so soft and comfortable like walking on the most fashionable clouds.  Mary Kate Olsen sported the same pair a few summers back.  They also make me feel very Mexican which I love (smile).
Hair up - for coolness.

Any who, there will be weeks when things out of our control can try to knock us off our happy selves, when we feel like all we need is for a bird to poop on us and then we’re done; but, there’s always the choice to be content.  To make the best and press on knowing that blessings are constantly being placed on our path.  May, God give us the proper eyes to see goodness and not dismiss it by focusing on daily trifles.  

Monday, July 25, 2016

La Vie Est Belle: Summer Hat DIY

In 1997, one of my all-time favorite movies was released, “La Vie Est Belle,” a foreign film from Italy that took elements of drama and comedy to narrate the tragic life of Guido and his family during the holocaust.  The film begins portraying the love story between Guido (a Jewish book store owner) and his future wife Dora.  When Guido sees Dora he falls in love and employs all types of silliness to woo her - eventually winning her heart.  This comical personality is what carries the film, when his family is sent to a concentration camp in order to shield his son from camp atrocities Guido uses his imagination, he devices a game to protect his little one and to hide their true situation...  The film above all is a testimony of the power of love.  I remember watching it for the first time and after gaining my composure from the crying it provoked – I told everyone that I would like to find my Guido.  Despite his horrific circumstances Guido keeps a positive, humorous attitude; even though, he is imprisoned in a death camp, Guido never losses hope nor forsakes his role as a father and husband.  His actions often very silly express so much depth and give us a glimpse of real, unconditional love.  When I saw the film I just remembered thinking how much I hoped one day I would be loved like that.  Today, after my reversion into the Catholic Church, I want to learn to to love like that.  Anyway- if you haven’t seen the movie it’s absolutely worth the two hours you will spend walking in Guido’s footsteps.
The inspiration.
Final Product.

The reason I mention this film is because, I used the title for a weekend DIY hat project.  After reading a blog I follow and being introduced to the Eugenia Kim straw sunhat with sequins that spell, “do not disturb,” I knew I needed and I mean truly NEEDED that hat. BUT…  When I saw the $485 price tag, I questioned my actual need of said object.  While I had the willpower to say no to the purchase, words on a hat just wouldn’t leave this little brain.  So, after finding a sunhat at a yard sale for one dollar, my lightbulb went on and I thought why not just make my own.  After, disqualifying many quotes I settle for “La Vie est Belle.” I decided to use black ribbon instead of sequins and bought two rolls of it at Michael's Craft Store (both for a buck). I printed the words more for sizing and placement because I ended up using my own script.  I already had a needle with a big enough eye for the ribbon so total spent on this project was 2 bucks!  I stitched on the words and my hat turned out fabulous!  It also took less than two hours to complete.  This Sunday, I took it for a spin around the block and am so looking forward to using it a ton this summer and years to come.  
 Keeping cool in these high temps.
Yes, those are octopus earrings (from Betsey Johnson).
 J-Crew Bauble Necklace.
 The comfiest espadrille wedges by UGG.
 Keep cool friends.
The Limited Straw Bag.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Thrifty Thursday: Modesty is Not Unkempt

Today’s feature deal is a pair of Free People Pember lace-up heels which retail for $198 and I got them for $6.99 which is more than ninety percent in savings!  These babies not only have the WOW factor, but the thick heel and soft leather makes them super comfortable.  The only problem for people like me who like to get ready quickly is that they take a few minutes to put on due to the intricate laces.  Yet, once on they are super cute and best of all don’t hurt my feet (smile).  In my research I found a British celebrity wearing the same pair.  Jenny Nelson is part of a pop group called Little Mix that won the UK version of The X Factor and she sported the same pair.  While she paired hers with a dress, I took a more casual approach…  Free People is a boho chic brand that I have loved for years they have really neat, original pieces that speak to my hippie soul; but, it’s also quite pricy - before thrifting I couldn’t justify spending so much money on their items.  It’s not often that I find things from this brand in my thrifting escapades and when I do, they generally are not my size so finding these was such a treat.  Though, I don’t wear heels as much as I used to, now I opt for cute flats.

As Seen On  Jenny Nelson
My feet in a way have gone through some changes in matters of style too, while I used to live in heels now my lifestyle calls for more casual wear.  After I gained weight I just didn’t feel comfortable in my skin to dress up like I used to and my pretty heels just sat gathering dust.  In addition, after my conversion I went from a girl who used to go clubbing every weekend to someone who would rather spend time involved in faith nourishing activities.  These past seven years have seen a lot of change due to my slow spiritual conversion and while the biggest change has been internal, what happens inside of me has slowly started showing in my public image.  As, I learned about modesty, humility and simplicity my choices in dress started to change.  At first I went from a girl who couldn’t leave the house without looking her best to a girl who no longer cared what she looked like.  I went from being always put together to a sloppy mess and I learned that sloppy wasn’t what the verse, “don’t be concerned about the outward beauty, of fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry of beautiful clothes…”  Going from literally interpreting the bible to accepting that I need the church’s guidance for biblical interpretation helped me realize that modesty doesn’t mean to stop taking care of the physical self.  God loves us all and he made us physically beautiful so we should care for our bodies.  Dirty and unkempt doesn’t translate to holiness- just look at religious in their habits they are always positively put together.  I am always astounded, especially with the Dominicans who wear the white habits, how do they remain so spotless?  Every time I wear a white shirt it takes me less than ten minutes to get dirty. 
Found a monogram clutch for 4.99 with my initial!

Virtues are never an excuse to slack off, they actually help us to become better versions of ourselves.  Modesty has so many layers to explore, but it begins with an inner change that can be seen outwardly.    I slowly learned that looking unkempt is not what 1 Peter 3:3-4 is saying.  Anyway, while I don’t have as many occasions to wear heels anymore, I am trying to get more pairs that are casual for everyday life, these babies are just so.                  
Read the sign. :) 

Monday, July 18, 2016

Rosary a New Experience

This month, my parish launched a young adult program at my parish.  Every Sunday after the 5PM mass there will be some kind of gathering that will involve prayer, bible study, community service or a social night.  Since, our youth minister is in Rome on vacation with his wife, my friend was asked to lead the night and she invited me to come for moral support.  I was told that we would be praying the rosary at the Huntington Beach Pier, I love praying in nature so I immediately signed up.  What I found out when I arrived was that we would actually be praying the rosary walking down Main Street (a heavily trafficked pedestrian street).  We began the rosary and then started walking (among the beach crowd).  My friend prayed loudly so that all of us could follow as we walked down the street passing heavy packed stores, restaurants and bars.  At first I felt really uncomfortable and regretted having signed up for the event because people stared at us funny – even I, thought we might look like cult people.  Nevertheless, I was there and I couldn’t leave my friends hanging in silence so I joined, praying out loud and revealing the rosary I carried in my hands.  I have done pilgrimages where I have walked the streets and prayed the rosary usually following Jesus in the monstrance and have truly enjoyed them.  The difference this time was that our small group of seven - prayed in between crowds of secular people.  The experience felt protestant sort of like when one sees an “end of times” fanatic.
Such a beautiful sunset.

When we started, I kept thinking of Matthew 10:33, “But whoever denies me before men, I will also deny him before my Father in heaven.”  I had a terrible time concentrating because I was afraid someone was going to say something or that we would start some kind of protest, but towards the middle of the rosary I finally managed to enter into a spirit of prayer.  I am not ashamed of my religious beliefs or of expressing them, but prayer is something very intimate.  I don’t like using it to get attention.  This felt a little attention seeking.  Yet, as we walked Main Street and I became more comfortable I realized how much the world needs our prayer and witness of Jesus.  There were three people holding a giant peace sign and many stopped to take pictures of the sign.  At that moment I realized how we are all attracted to goodness and how much we (who know him) need to show the world a living Jesus.  However, for me this was not the best way.  Afterward, I asked how people felt about the experience and more than half were in agreement that it didn't feel authentic, but were happy to have tried it.  We live and we learn (smile).    

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Thrifting: God & I time

Goodness this week has been a busy one at work- we got a new project which has meant putting in more hours to complete it– as a result I didn’t have the energy to take pictures for a good as seen on celebrity post.  In fact, this morning I had to take quick snaps to keep on schedule with my blogging (smile).  As I was taking the pics I realized that my outfit (without watch or purse) is completely thrifted.  A few weeks ago I was at Goodwill and a woman brought her beau to the thrift store for his first time and he looked completely lost and overwhelmed.  I overheard him telling her, “It’s so much to take in, there’s just so much stuff!  My eyes are having trouble focusing.” I privately giggled because I remembered the first time I stepped into a thrift store I was equally overwhelmed because there’s little to no order.  I accompanied my mom and she found great treasures while I walked out with nothing more than a headache.  The thing is that if you are walking in expecting a thrift store to be like a regular store divided by type, size, brand, color, etc. than your thrifting experience will be a huge fail.  I had to learn that thrifting is like a scavenger hunt (which I learned to enjoy and eventually love) it’s a matter of searching for unexpected treasures in piles of disorder.  Finding the deals I find is a matter of patience and persistence.  People often ask me where I shop because they erroneously think that I find things every time I go, but it’s really a matter of unceasing consistency.  Yes, I have my shops that I continuously stop in, some of the sale associates already know me.  Also, I have found what days I tend to find the best deals, but still it’s a matter of effort and it takes time to look around.  People have also asked me to invite them along- and to be completely honest I like shopping alone.  I know it’s selfish of me, but thrifting is me time.  Sometimes God and I time because while going through the hangers I love talking to Him.  I often talk to Him about the struggles I am facing that day, what’s bothering me and ask for His advice.  Sometimes, I even tell Him my complaints and ask for His continuous involvement in my troubles, trifle as they might be.  Usually whether I find a treasure or not I leave the store more uplifted because God and I had our moment (smile).

The thing about being bipolar is that on somedays my thoughts are a little too strong to control, so on those days I need to be completely involved in something in order to find relief.  Thrifting is a fun way I do that, but a good book, a spiritual talk on CD or getting myself to my Zumba classes are good alternatives.  Little everyday things refresh my soul and I think it’s important for each of us to find those activities that inspire and bring us closer to God.  When I had just returned to the church I remember one speaker talked to us about prayer and he mentioned that our lives should be a life of prayer.  At the time, I thought he meant that every moment of my life I was to be praying the rosary or reciting a prayer and I thought how impossible that would be for me.  I thought prayer only involved words, but as Saint Therese would teach me prayer can be our daily actions.  Everything that we do with the right attitude can be an offering to our Lord.  Learning to pray actively has been my saving grace- it gives me hope and pushes all the negativity away.   

Monday, July 11, 2016

Tour: Mission San Fernando Rey de España

I had been wanting to drive out to the next California mission on my list of twenty-one, for quite some time now and I was finally able to do so this past Saturday.  Things have a way of working out for the best because I really needed the day personal retreat.  My sister tells me that sometimes I have a few days when no one can stand me- meaning I get quite irritable and emotional.  I become critical, insecure and my usual glass-half-full attitude becomes full of negativity.  Unfortunately it’s part of having female hormones and usually I survive to see more cheerful days (this might be TMI).  On Saturday, weary and emotionally sick I took a long drive north to be with God and to find peace in His arms.  As I arrived at Mission San Fernando Rey de España, I was blown away by its beauty.  I was directed to start at the chapel and then Bob Hope’s garden because that area gets busy with Quinceañeras.  There was no one in the chapel when I arrived so I had a moment to be with God (just the two of us) and that meeting began a beautiful day of peace and prayer.  I then went over to the Bob Hope garden and sitting on a bench under a tree I prayed my day novena of la Virgen del Carmen (my friends and I are praying it together ending on her feast day).  I was mesmerized by this beautiful sculpture of the holy family resting with their donkey beside them and I was taking a picture of it when I got kicked out of the garden because of Saturday services.  Yet, the rest of the mission is so big that it took me most of the day to tour and enjoy areas in prayer and contemplation. 
The altar.
San Fernando.
Nuestra Morenita so beautiful!

My favorite place- an area that I felt goosebumps as I entered was the Virgin Mary room.  This is a room in the mission that only recently has been opened to the public and holds various pieces of artful depictions of our blessed Mother.  It’s also the only room that music is played as one tours.  The combination of images and music made this my favorite room.  I felt so peaceful and I really knew that God and His blessed Mother were with me in this journey.  The room holds many different cultural depictions of Mary in various art styles.  Though the room is small it’s so packed that it took me awhile to go through the various images.  I saw a Native American Mary and a Mary holding Carmelites underneath her veil that were super neat. 
Inside the Mary room.
I love this image- they are all resting peacefully and their donkey wants to be near!

To end I spent sometime in the gardens and the grounds were mostly quiet – I chose a good day to go because I felt like I was on my own at the mission.  But enough talking let’s get to the pictures!     
San Junipero Serra
The garden behind the chapel.
 Bob Hope's garden.
 I loved this life size sculpture between greenery & with book in hand.
 In the courtyard.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

My Friends: Diamonds in the Rough

Last week, I spoke for quite some time with a friend I met on my second cruise who is high functioning autistic.  He calls me occasionally – usually when he’s having high anxiety and struggling with life.  I really enjoy talking to him because as a bipolar sufferer it’s great having someone who understands me (through experience) in that struggle.  Most recently he was appointed as an autism advocate by his state and called me to share his written testimony asking for some pointers.  While my buddy can be a handful, especially in social situations when he lacks the ability to pick up on cues (making communication quite challenging) and while sometimes he can talk without allowing the other person to say a word– I really admire his perseverance.  During the cruise I noticed a lot of people in our group didn’t have a whole lot of patience with him and that saddened me because we as Catholics need to be more patient and giving than the rest of the world. 

A few years ago, I decided to try out a closer parish by my house and to change to English ministry in an attempt to learn my faith in the vernacular.  As I began forming new relationships, I soon discovered that within the community there was this girl who people generally left out.  She’s since become a close friend of mine.  Once, I was organizing a birthday dinner for a new friend from the parish and I asked her who I should invite she gave me a list with everyone in the young adult group except for one girl.  Thinking she had forgotten to include her I asked my friend why Annie hadn’t been invited and she told me that Annie made everyone uncomfortable.  I was shocked that a leader in my parish would exclude a person just because that person is a little odd, but I gave her the benefit of the doubt because I didn’t know Annie.  Since, Annie and I have become great friends, I learned that she suffers from a learning disability and has a tendency to miss social cues.  Sometimes she can over share or be a bit gossipy, but I learned that she does so because she knows no better.  As I got to know her, I began orienting her and asking her to keep the things between us private and she did.  So, I realized that she wasn’t really a gossip she just needed a little direction and some patience.  When a teen got pregnant in our confirmation program the teen choose to confide in Annie and that was such a shock to so many leaders, but not to me because I know her.  Last Advent she led a woman’s bible group at her house and I was so proud of her, she’s really blossomed.  I’ve noticed that girls that used to reject her are now friendly with her (while that should have been always in a church community) it makes me happy that others are finally seeing the beauty of Annie.

After the Orlando shooting, Pope Francis endorsed the idea that Christians should apologize to the gay community, but from what I have seen, I think we need to apologize to everyone because sometimes we do fall short of following Jesus’ example.  When I arrived to this country and I didn’t know the language, when I lived crammed into a two-bedroom apartment, when I was molested, when I was diagnosed as bipolar, when I lost my brother to suicide I learned what it’s like to be different.  The suffering that comes with being different and in many cases rejected - gave me wisdom.  As the old cliché goes, “God uses all of our suffering for His good.”  My painful past gave me ability to see goodness in all people, and while I too struggle with my own failings, my own darkness and my own sin; I love to root for the marginalized, for the odd balls because I am one of them.           

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

My Independence Day Weekend in Pictures

Saturday- After reading a plethora of positive amazon reviews I decided to try the Thundershirt, which is a relatively new holistic approach to ending pet anxiety associated with thunderstorms or fireworks.  My neighborhood (rather quiet during most of the year) is loudly patriotic.  This year it was mid-June and the occasional firework was set off in anticipation of our country’s annual celebration of freedom.  The Thundershirt worked great during days when the popping was occasional, but on Saturday it sounded like WW3 was taking place outside our home and the shirt provided little to no comfort.  So, on Sunday expecting the same patriotic commitment I had to result to good ol’ dog sedatives. This left my dog quite drugged the entire weekend.  So, much so that on the fourth I had to attend the parade without him!  Thus, if you are curious about trying the Thundershirt- while the concept sounds great it really doesn’t do much to “hug away the fear” as their slogan promotes.  
If you notice his feet are at odd angles, due to the effects of sedation.

Sunday- On the Lord’s day I went to Mass and also caught the latest Jane Austin inspired filmed, “Love and Friendship.” The movie is inspired by one of Austin’s earlier, less popular novels (Lady Susan) and though the movie is hilariously funny- I didn’t like all the manipulation that took place in the movie.  Lady Susan happens to be a woman that through astute skill manipulates people into doing whatever she wants- and though it was to be taken as a comedy I found the way she toiled with people really unbecoming.  As an English major, more than ninety percent of my classmates held Jane Austin as their favorite writer, and while she did write novels with heroic female leads and wonderful plots- Austen is not my favorite author.  So, I guess I can be more critical when discussing her work or in this case a film based on one of her novels.  Yet, I was able to enjoy the film with two of my good friends and that was such a blessing.  Especially because we went to eat beforehand and my friend (who lost her brother) finally opened up about her hurt and it was nice to be there for her.     
Monday- I asked my nephew if he wanted to attend the parade (since my sis had to work) and to my surprise he said he did.  So, he and I headed down towards the beach and found great parking only feet away from the parade path.  We happened to park right on Adams and Main across from a mega Baptist church.  The church annually throws a pre-parade family fun celebration with game booths and prizes for the kids.  Since, we arrived quite early we decided to explore the church festivities and my nephew had a grand time playing games, getting a silly balloon hat made, collecting a lot of patriotic swag and taking a picture in front of a giant USA flag that we also got printed- did I mention everything was free of charge!  Score, right!  They also very kindly provided us with free water bottles to keep hydrated during the parade.  A lady kindly informed me that the church does this kid-friendly celebration annually (good to know). 
 My favorite parade partner.

As the parade time approached we headed to the route to find a place to enjoy the parade and again we were met by a kind, old gentleman who let us sit on the curbside outside his home.  Thus, we had great seats to view the parade.  My nephew and I had a great time enjoying the creative floats, the enchanting horses, the many types of vehicles (especially the military vintage ones)  and we dreamed together of how one day we would be part of a parade ourselves.  As we were dreaming I saw this woman who looked awfully familiar on foot, she had gotten out of her car to shake hands with some folk a few feet away from me.  As she was about to shake my hand I realize that it really was the congresswoman I admired as a high school kid, Loretta Sanchez!  After shaking her hand I tossed my phone to the little, old man that offered us his curb and grabbed my nephew for an impromptu photo.  Ms. Sanchez was super kind about my desire to take a picture with her, and though we might not agree on some political issues I still have a huge girl crush on her (mostly because she embodies the immigrant dream).  I think this has been the best parade attendance of mine because I was in the best company - my nephew, who I have the best conversations with.  Hope your weekend was just as wonderful (smile).  
First year Disney participates in HB parade.
 On the sidewalk next to the man that allowed us to join him.
 Taking it back to Civil War times.
 Loved all the horses that paraded (smile)!
 Must have dreams: someday I will be like this girl on horse at a parade.
 Getting political with Loretta Sanchez!
 Teaching my nephew to love both his cultures!
 The most patriotic horse!
 We loved the NASA blimps.
 Snoopy makes an appearance.
 This horse has better hair than me!
Catholics represented.