Let go and let God- These past couple of months I learned a great
lesson- to let go and trust God. I have
a bit of a control problem. I feel safe when I am in control and these past couple of months God has been
teaching me to transfer my control to Him.
It’s been a scary and uncomfortable process, but am hoping that what has begun in me will continue to grow this New Year. In the Divine Mercy image, God told Saint
Faustina to write underneath the painting, “Jesus, I trust in You.” That’s my theme for this New Year to transfer my reign and continuously pray, “Jesus, I trust in You.”
Study the life of the Saints- Once a month I am going to adopt a new
saint and study his/her life. Am hoping
to find saints that will encourage me to work in areas that I struggle. To have holy people who inspire and motivate
me to press on and continue peeling layers off of my heavenly Father. I would like to study women in the Bible too-
I have many books that I am hoping I will be able to study this year in an
effort to continue growing in wisdom and faith.
For conversion is an ongoing process for all of us this side of
Found this NY flute with Jan engraved at Goodwill for $1!
Read the Catechism of the Catholic Church- Can you believe that I have never
read it in full! This year I would like to begin
to study the "tradition" of my faith more deeply.
Attend Mass- We should all be going to Mass on Sundays and
days of obligation- this year I want to add another week day to my attendance. I love attending Eucharistic services, yet I
get lazy during the week. Instead of
doing so many talks and activities this new year I will opt to go to Mass (smile).
Prayer- I have been working on building a prayer area
in my room so that I can be more inspired to spend daily time with God. In addition, I want to continue attending Eucharistic
Adoration on Mondays at my parish. I go
through periods where I am really inspired to pray and then times when it
becomes really difficult to do so- this year I want to remain constant
regardless of my emotions.
Happy New Years from In My Shoes!
Works of Mercy- I can be really self-centered and forget
about others so this year I want to work on helping my neighbor and those in
need. This is the Extraordinary Jubilee
Year of Mercy, Pope Francis calls all Catholics to perform works mercy and be
imitators of Christ. This is a time to “find
joy in rediscovering and rendering fruitful God’s mercy, which we are all
called to give comfort to every man and every woman in our time.”
These are
my six for this New Year. Even if I don’t
accomplish all of them I am hopeful that growth will occur. May you be inspired, my reader, to continue
growing in Christ. Have a blessed and happy
New Year! Thanks for reading.